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note that this page gets updated and kins get moved around a lot!
italicized kins means it's a kin that's special to me in some regard
crossed out kins means they're very low kins
want extra info abt my kins/alterhumanity that no one asked for? [click here!]
c'links/major fictkins; (doubles iwc!)
boombox, rocket, medkit (phighting)
inv/enot/???, hunter (rain world)
theriotypes/species kintypes;
wolfdog, mouse, snail, werewolf (misc cladokintypes)
fresno nightcrawler (misc kintypes)
demon, biograft (zeta + chi models) (phighting)
scavenger, green lizard, train lizard, nightcat/nocturnal slugcat, lantern mouse (rain world)
noob (cladokintype, roblox)
elsen (off)
coatl (flight rising)
general fictkins;
katana, the broker (phighting)
gourmand, seven red suns, scavenger chieftain (rain world)
gingi, karen dunn, mayor mingus (dialtown)
partynoob/poob, lampert (regretevator)
painter/z-779, expendable/player (pressure)
saw noob, john doe, jane doe (the robloxia: until dawn)
funbot (sprunki)
bretta, hive knight (hollow knight)
sunny (wings of fire)
princess (mainly witch and damsel) (slay the princess)
connor (detroit: become human)
amelia euler/scenty (one hfj)
nyan cat (nyan cat)
autumn blaze (my little pony)
half-fictkins/partial fictkins;
vine staff, windforce, icedagger (phighting)
melanie, pilby (regretevator)
brutus (bloopermarket)
angeredfish (ocean terror)
jim (jim's computer)
entity/world machine (oneshot)
pyro (team fortress 2)
hiccup (how to train your dragon)
mirage (ultrakill)
hearttypes/kithtypes/synpath types;
cat, opossum, raccoon, crab, giraffe, tasmanian devil, mudpuppy, robot, alien, wyvern (cladokithtypes)
carnotaurus (misc kithtypes)
traffic, bloxxer (phighting)
monk, dronemaster, looks to the moon, martyr, two sprouts twelve brackets (rain world)
player (blocktales)
divine/z-17 (pressure)
dupe (doors)
sturbi, diesura (creatures of sonaria)
niko (oneshot)
mew, shinx/luxio/luxray (pokémon)
burnt (off)
streetcleaner (ultrakill)
even though being otherhearted and synpath are commonly seperated by the community, i personally do not seperate them very much, so my synpath types and heart/kithtypes are put under the same list